Delivery of 44 Fujitek elevators for Hong Kong’s Three Garden Road complex

On June 27, Fujitec announced the delivery of a number of Fujitec elevators for Three Garden Road and the renovation of the complex’s elevators.

On June 27, Fujitec announced the delivery of a number of Fujitec elevators for the Three Garden Road complex. The company announced that out of 44 modern elevators, it will provide 16 ultra-fast elevators for the Three Garden Road complex in Hong Kong. These elevators are for two office towers of 50 and 40 floors.

44 new elevators of Fujitek replace the old elevators of the Three Garden Road complex towers. Fujitek installed the old elevators in 1992. Currently, he plans to renovate the mentioned elevators.

The refurbished elevators operate under Fujitek’s EZSHUTTLE destination dispatch system and have been refurbished to improve safety and performance as they have been in operation for over 25 years. EZSHUTTLE system reduces passenger travel time by 50% for large office buildings prone to long elevator waits.

16 new high-speed elevators of these towers move at a speed of 480 meters per minute.

Read more:

Installation of 138 escalators in China’s Shenyang subway by Fujitek

Translator: Naeeme Goli

To read the main text of this news, you can refer to the following link and find out the exact details of the news of replacing the new elevators with the old elevators of the Three Garden Road complex:

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